Innosign recently participated in an impressive two-day 1st Transnational Project Meeting (TNM) focused on inclusion in environmental activism. The event, hosted by Turkoois in Groningen, the Netherlands, on 18-19 October 2023, brought together youth groups and partner organisations from across Europe.
The partner organisations were:
- Turkoois (Netherlands) – host
- Innosign (Slovakia)
- Equalizent (Austria) – coordinator
- SignCoders (Hungary)
- European Union of the Deaf Youth (Belgium)
From the Innosign side, the meeting was attended by the director Marek Kanaš and the social media manager and project worker Diana Majerčáková. The aim was to address issues and tasks together with the partner organisations.
The agenda included the topics:
- Presentation of the project objectives
- Campaign planning
- Website/application development
- Testing
- Project management
- Dissemination of information
- Getting to know each other and networking
- Tour of Turkoois facilities
- Tour of the Luhu Café owned by the deaf
- Miniworkshops
Innosign is looking forward to this joint adventure, which promises to be interesting for all involved.
The entire event focused on making environmental information and activism opportunities available in sign language and easy-to-read formats. Opening these areas to deaf and sign language users youth allows for their full participation and harnesses their energy and ideas to address current environmental issues.
Innosign’s involvement in this event demonstrates its dedication to supporting deaf and sign language users youth, ensuring that their voices are heard, and harnessing their full potential to bring about positive change.